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Aren't Noctuidae Moths Awesome!
A Photographic Record of Wildlife in Folkestone & Hythe
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Macro Moths
73.001 - The Spectacle
73.002 - Dark Spectacle
73.003 - Ni Moth
73.008 - Golden Twin-spot
73.010 - Dewick's Plusia
73.012 - Burnished Brass
73.015 - Silver Y
73.016 - Beautiful Golden Y
73.017 - Plain Golden Y
73.022 - Gold Spot
73.027 - Silver Barred
73.031 - Four-spotted
73.032 - Nut-tree Tussock
73.036 - Alder Moth
73.037/038 - Dark/Grey Dagger agg.
73.039 - The Sycamore
73.040 - The Miller
73.045 - Knot Grass
73.046 - Poplar Grey
73.047 - The Coronet
73.048 - Small Yellow Underwing
73.052 - The Shark
73.053 - Chamomile Shark
73.058 - The Mullein
73.059 - Toadflax Brocade
73.062 - Copper Underwing
73.065 - The Sprawler
73.068 - Green-brindled Crescent
73.069 - Early Grey
73.070 - Bordered Sallow
73.074 - Bordered Straw
73.076 - Scarce Bordered Straw
73.082 - Tree-lichen Beauty
73.084 - Marbled Beauty
73.085 - Marbled Green
73.087 - Small Mottled Willow
73.092 - Mottled Rustic
73.093 - Clancy's Rustic
73.095 - Pale Mottled Willow
73.096 - The Uncertain
73.099 - Vine's Rustic
73.100 - Silky Wainscot
73.101 - Treble Lines
73.102 - Brown Rustic
73.105 - Bird's Wing
73.106 - Orache Moth
73.107 - Old Lady
73.109 - Straw Underwing
73.112 - Pale-shouldered Cloud
73.113 - Angle Shades
73.114 - Small Angle Shades
73.120 - Dusky Sallow
73.121 - Frosted Orange
73.123 - Rosy Rustic
73.125 - Marsh Mallow Moth
73.131 - Flounced Rustic
73.134 - Large Wainscot
73.136 - Bulrush Wainscot
73.147 - Small Dotted Buff
73.151 - Webb's Wainscot
73.154 - Dusky Brocade
73.155 - Clouded Brindle
73.158 - Rustic Shoulder-knot
73.162 - Dark Arches
73.163 - Light Arches
73.169/170 - Common Rustic agg.
73.172 - Cloaked Minor
73.173/174/175 - Marbled Minor agg.
73.180 - Barred Sallow
73.181 - Pink-barred Sallow
73.182 - The Sallow
73.183 - Dusky-lemon Sallow
73.186 - Beaded Chestnut
73.187 - Brown-spot Pinion
73.189 - Red-line Quaker
73.190 - Yellow-line Quaker
73.192 - The Brick
73.193 - Lunar Underwing
73.194 - The Chestnut
73.197 - Dotted Chestnut
73.200 - Tawny Pinion
73.201 - Pale Pinion
73.206 - Blair's Shoulder-knot
73.210 - The Satellite
73.212 - Double Kidney
73.213 - The Olive
73.216 - The Dun-bar
73.217 - Lunar-spotted Pinion
73.219 - Centre-barred Sallow
73.220 - Minor Shoulder-knot
73.223 - Oak Rustic
73.224 - Merveille du Jour
73.225 - Brindled Green
73.231 - Deep-brown Dart
73.233 - Black Rustic
73.235 - Feathered Ranunculus
73.241 - Pine Beauty
73.242 - Clouded Drab
73.243 - Blossom Underwing
73.244 - Common Quaker
73.245 - Small Quaker
73.247 - Powdered Quaker
73.249 - Hebrew Character
73.250 - Twin-spotted Quaker
73.253 - Feathered Gothic
73.255 - Nutmeg
73.263 - Light Brocade
73.267 - Bright-line Brown-eye
73.268 - Splendid Brocade
73.270 - Dot Moth
73.273 - The Shears
73.274 - Cabbage Moth
73.276 - Campion
73.279 - Broad-barred White
73.282 - Varied Coronet
73.284 - White Spot
73.286 - Tawny Shears
73.291 - Common Wainscot
73.295 - The Delicate
73.297 - White-point
73.298 - The Clay
73.300 - L-album Wainscot
73.307 - Pearly Underwing
73.317 - Heart and Dart
73.319 - Turnip Moth
73.320 - Heart and Club
73.325 - Shuttle-shaped Dart
73.327 - Dark Sword-grass
73.328 - The Flame
73.329 - Flame Shoulder
73.330 - Radford's Flame Shoulder
73.333 - Ingrailed Clay
73.334 - Small Square-spot
73.336 - Red Chestnut
73.342 - Large Yellow Underwing
73.343 - Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
73.345 - Lesser Yellow Underwing
73.348 - Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
73.352 - Green Arches
73.357 - Square-spot Rustic
73.359 - Setaceous Hebrew Character
73.361 - Double Square-spot
73.365 - Autumnal Rustic